Gert Trauernicht


Germany / Industrial Design

Gert Trauernicht is co-founder of the industrial design agency Squareone GmbH, located in Düsseldorf, Germany, since 2002. His second position is a professorship at the Bergische Universität Wuppertal.

During his career, he has worked for various clients in diverse branches as well as countries. As visiting academic for industrial design, he has spent a year in Seoul, South Korea at IGSID (postgraduate program) and worked for the Korean Institute of Industrial Design and Packaging (KIDP) as design consultant. Before going to University of Wuppertal, he was principal and director of industrial design at Design Continuum in Boston, USA and lead the Industrial Design Group.

Coming from classic product design for brands in the tableware area, he naturally developed his own process for product development that he teaches and uses during his business life but that has also lead to the Cube of Innovation, a tool that collects various design and innovation methods to a holistic kit.

His understanding of correlations and huge knowledge base forms him into a demanded sparring partner for managers, entrepreneurs and shareholders who seek for an external eye to eye consulting besides daily business.

"I’m interested in the limitations of the imaginable and the solutions to seemingly unsolvable and complex problems. I love getting to the bottom of things and by structural analysis make them appear less complex and complicated. Innovation to me is a mixture of attitude, process, persistence and provoked luck."
