Where was the beginning of ancient Chinese culture? 一個什麼樣的地方開啟了中國古人類和孕育中國的民族文化?


Shannxi Province is, the origin of the entire Chinese culture. It’s capital city Xian, also known as Chang’an, the start of the old silk road, carries thousands of years of old history and culture.

The Terracotta Army is a collection of terracotta sculptures depicting the armies of Qin Shi Huang, the first Emperor of China. It is a form of funerary art buried with the emperor with the purpose of protecting the emperor in his afterlife. The terracotta figures are life-sized. Their faces, different for each individual figure, shows the greatness of the ancient sculpting technique. The Scroll art came from Ancient Egypt through the silk road. It’s popular around the Tang Dynasty, it represents flourish. It later becomes a commonly used visual symbol around the world.

The famous figure from the Tang Dynasty is Princess Yang Guifei, the emperor’s favorite queen. The emperor planted pomegranate for her to represent ruby. Hence the Lingtong area is now known for the growth of pomegranates.

2019, While working with Chicony Plaza, Xian, belongs to the Clevo Group. This Taiwanese artist Florence Lo took her time to walk around the city and created a line of work combining local culture with her symbol “ camellia”. With her unique interpretation, she was able to create some new icons for this 3000+ year old city. She continues to touch people’s hearts by integrating culture, art, and products.

「陝西」歷史源遠流長燦爛的文化中,古稱「長安」的西安, 是一個記載千年歷史與文化的古都,更是貫穿東西貿易「絲綢之路」的起點。



台灣藝術家羅方君(羅羅)2019冬天在和藍天集團的「西安群光商城」大展合作之際,延續城市踏查的精神,也特別透過藝術為陝西創作融入其品牌獨立象徵的「茶花」,以她獨特的詮釋方式重新揉捻這三千年古都歷史創造出更具溫度的藝術。 羅羅,是一個讓文化、藝術與產品變成讓人感動的繪本故事藝術家。

The introduce of her latest works& products:
1. 千年大叔為愛復甦/ Love Wakes The Millennium Man
- My deep love is the fortress walls to protect you
# Terracotta man figurine
# The world 8th wonder
# Peony parrot
# Bronze fish scale pattern

2. 蒼涼/ Desolation
- The world is sad and lonely, my only friend is Regret
# Phoenix bird pattern
# Bronze vessel

3. 大雪/ Blizzard
- Walking down the busy city street with a tranquil heart, accompanied by lonesome beat of footsteps
# Imperial Army Figurine
# Bronze chariot

4. 羞花/ Modest Flower
六宮粉黛無顏色 /唐.白居易
- Your charming smile makes all the concubines pale to your beauty. /Bai Juyi, Tang Dynasty
# Modest flower
# Yang Guifei

5. 千年相惜/ Millennium Friendship
- Huge grass field grows since Tang Dynasty, may the good fortune multiplies
# Tangdynastyflowerpattern
# Camellia

6. 福氣/ Good Fortune
- Camellia, Leopard, and Pomegranate come together to produce fruitful of good fortun

7. 藝術授權產品/ Authorized IP Licensing Products
- VIP gift for Chicony Plaza
# Canvass bag
# Post card