the sculptural 'desert house' in joshua tree, california is photographed by lance gerber


photographer lance gerber captures the formal desert architecture of kendrick bangs kellogg and the sweeping interiors by designer john vugrin. nestled among the rocky terrain of joshua tree, california, the house takes the form of an organic object made up of a cluster of sculptural piers. there is an ambiguous relationship between the built space and the extreme landscape as the house navigates between the protruding rock formations. at certain moments these natural elements pierce through to the interior and become a sculptural element of the conditioned space.

lance gerber, known for his landscape and architectural photography among the california desert, captures the monumentality of the enigmatic house. the ambiguity of the structure is heightened with the imbrication of the clustered piers. because of this technique of overlapping elements, the building’s apertures are not so clearly defined. while these moments of slippage are sealed with set back glazing, there is an implication that the house is left open to the elements. while the construction of the overall building was completed in 1993, interior designer john vugrin continued refining it for several years.

project info:

start of design: 1988
estimated completion: 1993
architect: kendrick bangs kellogg
interior designer: john vugrin
bldg sq ft: 4,643
bedrooms: 3
bathrooms: 3.5
lot size: 10 acres
location: joshua tree, CA

Pic: DesignBoom